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Analisis Literario Download File Activator .zip


A veces el calor se pega entre las hojas Al desgajarlas sin destruir entre sus dedos Lo que vendrá. Sin embargo, nadie lo vio. Lo que no va a pasar. Lo que será siempre lo mismo Ya sabes, el calor intenso del desierto Que nos estremece y nos obliga a dormir dentro de casa. No importa cómo estemos fuera. La casa se convierte en una aduana que no permite la entrada De estos elementos que nadie controla. La casa es una muestra de lo deplorable de la palabra: Es un refugio, pero no para la paz, sino para la guerra: ¿Quién se quita el calor del cuerpo? ¿Quién se somete a los elementos externos? No dejaremos que ese calor penetre en nuestro ático. A lo mejor hay una vida que no temamos Que está fuera de la palabra. The poem begins with an exclamation that makes use of interjection, which serves as a forceful starting point to alert the reader. The title is very important because it gives the reader an idea of what the poem will contain and who will be its main character and character. This title has two words: "Quejas" and "Dolores". "Quejas" refers to complaints or grievances, and "Dolores" refers to suffering or grief. The combination of the two words suggests that we will be reading about a woman who is suffering due to her inability of experiencing pleasure. This combination also reveals one of the main themes of the poem: suffering as a result of living in this world. The last word of the title is "Veintimilla." Veintimilla is a Spanish word that refers to the Spanish currency at the time of the poem, which was mined copper or bronze one-tenth of a real. The title refers to the fact that the poetic narrator is poor, which adds another touch of realism to her cries and complaints because we know she has no money. The title tells us that we will be reading about a woman who is complaining and saying grievances not only about herself but also against humanity. cfa1e77820

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